Wednesday 13 April 2011

Playing Football with Aussies!

March19, 2011
Today I decided to do something creative and on my own. I saw a couple of people playing soccer near school in the Victoria Park. Since I have a big passion for soccer I decided to ask them if I could join them. I thought that would be a great idea to write about in my sports education journal. Plus what’s better than to play soccer with Australian people. Luckily I had my tennis shoes on, so I was able to play with them. We were divided into two groups, I was in the blue team and my rivals were the white team. I had so much fun; we played soccer for over an hour. I have to admit Australian people are very good at playing soccer, even better than my friends in México. Unfortunately my team lost, but at the end of the day we all laughed about it and went for lunch.  I discovered that soccer and its rules are very similar to the one in my home country.

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