Wednesday 13 April 2011

Rugby Game- Dragons vs. Bulldogs!

April 10, 2011
This past Sunday was my first Rugby game that I have ever seen live. After traveling in bus for about half an hour, we finally got to the cogee oval stadium. I had no idea if I wanted to support either the Dragons or the Bulldogs, since many people were going for the Bulldogs I decided to go on their side. It was very interesting to see that there was a lot of positive reinforcement for both teams. This was a very competitive game, tons of people cheering and clapping for their teams, they even had flags and shirts representing their teams. I was astonished to see how fit the players were. I thought it was interesting the fact that in the first half of the game there wasn’t too much people, but after the break the arena began to fill up with fans. Everything was perfect, until it began to pour rain. Both teams opted to start the match cautiously, each unwilling to take too many risk on the historic turf. Finally to make the story short, the Dragons defeated the Bulldogs for a final score of 25-6. I was kind of bummed because I wanted the bulldogs to win, but at the end of the day I had a great time. This sport reminded me a lot to a sport back home, called American Football.

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