Wednesday 13 April 2011

Skateboarding Competition at Bondi Beach!

March 26, 2011
Before Starting with this blog, I would like to give you a little background on Skateboarding. ­Skateboarding is a Sport and an act of riding and performing tricks using a skateboard. Skateboarding can be use in many interesting ways like for a method of transportation, sport and even a job. Skateboarding is a very common sport here in Australia, almost everyone knows how to skate, even at school you see people with their skateboards, because it is the fastest way to get to your classes on time. Today my friends and I went to Bondi Beach to get a tan and to play volleyball in the sand. After being there for an hour, we discovered a huge skating park near the beach and there was a huge competition going on, I thought it would be interesting to write about this because I heard this is one of the main sports in Australia after surfing. I honestly stood there and watched the whole competition for about two hours. It was amazing to see little kids and older guys do all different kind of tricks and how they handle the skateboard. I discovered a site where you can see all the skateboarding events that are happening around Sydney, I think it would be very interesting if you attend to one, they get pretty intense and fun to watch.
Skateboarding Site:

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